Monday, 29 March 2010

Terry's 3 poses

I am required to create 3 images that show terry doing the following poses below each one is my rough thumbnail example of how i want these to look,

  • Celebrating scoring an out of this world goal, he has effortlessly ran the full length of the pitch to reach the home supporters so that he can show them he has won for them.
  • Leg raised and his foot about to make contact with the ball that is going to end up in the back of the net, i am going to show his foot making contact with the ball but he must be looking where the ball is going not at the ball.

  • The leader pose, chest puffed up as he steps out of the tunnel for the FA cup final at wemberly, face intensely focused on nothing but winning.

I cant make Terry wink or look cheeky in any way, he needs to look like a world beater so he cant stare at the camera or look like hes acting in any way.

Targetting my audience.

When it comes to developing my character i need to design it for my target audience 0-11 year olds, i need to make my character to be in touch with action heroes. The commercial director of Huddersfield Town FC (Sean Javis) said that he wants the new mascots physical actions to be portrayed in the way of the childrens animated series 'Ben 10' and have a feel that they are interested in exploring. I need to look at how physical action is representated in the still frames. I need to capture action and represent it to my target audience so they believe that action is taking place as shown in the images below.

After researching what my target audience thought that the key words meant to them i found out that they thought,

  • honesty- telling the truth
  • intergrity- didnt really know what this word meant.
  • trust- always being able to rely on someone to do something for you.
  • comitment- making a promise and sticking by it.
  • quality- apperances and good values.
  • pride- when your not embarrassed to do something.
  • respect- dont question superias.
  • character- type of person you are.
  • value- what somethings worth.
  • success- to do well.

My target audience were close to what the words actually meant (in earlier blog) i decided that i need to base my Anthropomorphism charactoristics on this when develouping my male body, terrier head mascot.


Anthropomorphism is the attributes of human characteristics recognised in non human creatures and animals. This is relivant when creating my charactor it will be a yorkshire terrier with human characteristics. I will be placing a yorkshire terriors head on to the perfect male body and trying to make this look as natural as possible.

A good example of this is the teenage mutant ninja turtles who were trained by a anthromorphic talking rat. They are turtles but they walk and talk and have different personalitys just like humans.

Shape of Terry.

When creating the new charactor of Terry the Terrier i need to make him have the perfect adult male classic V shaped body such as these two images of David Beckham and Cristiano Ronaldo.

Superheros such as Superman and Batman also have the classic male V shaped body who are good role models and for children and there charactoristics have been designed for purpose.

Bad examples are body builders and superheros such as the Hulk are unatural so when creating my character i dont want there body to represent qualitys like the images below.

Huddersfield town FC

Huddersfield Town Fc are a team for the future that have internatioal asperations, the following words represent the club and also the breed of the yorkshire terrier breed. These have there actually definition.

Honesty - Truthful, being fair.
Integrity- moral charactor
Trust- ability, surety of a person or thing confidence to expect something.
Commitment- act of committing, pledging or engageing yourself to somthing or someone.
Quality- an essentail or distinctive attribure of a person or object.
Pride- high opinion of your own dignity, importance or merit, feeling or being proud of what someones done.
Respect- sense of worth or excellence of a person.
Character- features and traits that form a person or a thing. characteristic of people.
Value- worth or importance of something.
Success- successful performance, achievement.

I want to find out what these words mean to my target audience as i think these words would be important when creating my character.

Yorkshire Terriers

            Yorkshire Terriers are one of the smallest dog breeds in the world and have a black and tan coat, they are energetic, loving and bold dogs. The breed is more than 100 years old develouped in Yorkshire, england in 1861 and were used for hunting underground after badgers and foxes. They are known for being brave despite there small breed loyal and affectionate. They have a life span of 13-16 years.


            Huddersfield Town FC football mascot!

            I have been asked to create a two dimensional charactor to replace the existing Huddersfield town football club mascot 'Terry the terrier'. Currently Terry the terrier is looking slightly overwieght which isnt a very good role model to young children. i need to make him so that he has the perfect male V shape body and give him more of a superhero look so that the children can look up to him.

            The commercial director of Huddersfield town Fc says 'Terry needs to be sent to the gym!'

            My target audience are 0 to 11 year old boys and girls, i must also consider the parents when develouping my charecter as these are the people that encourage the children to engage in this.